A whimsical heart centered collection manifested from over 100 variations of hand drawn elements, randomly organized through code to generate 10,000 unique psychedelic hearts of varying rarity. Inspired by the happenstance from which this art emerged, I evolved these experiments interweaving mathematical probabilities and my designs into a delightful NFT collection reflecting all that is the essence of the symbol of a beautiful heart.
And thus… The Garden of a Pixelated Heart was born.

I was tinkering with creating generative art one day. Art that is in essence made up of a bunch of designs processed through code that randomly organizes them to create many unique variations. The images above are an example of the 100+ design elements I drew and from which the art in this collection was generated.
From the first few thousand pieces I generated, the ones that included hearts were so compelling I ended up generating 40,000+ variations refining the designs and configuration to ensure each piece in the final collection was beautiful. Here’s a sneak peak of a few of them.

Creative juices flowing, I kept on experimenting and added a color shifting effect to a few select pieces which really brought out their colorful totality. Every heart in any combination of any color, looked great!
Out of curiosity one day, I randomly selected one of the 10,000 hearts and processed it through A.I. along with a short phrase about the essence of this heart centered collection. The delicious eye candy you see here is of a select few pieces that emerged.

Loving how well the color-shifting effect livened things up, I added it to these pieces as well.

Finally, I generated animated versions of these pieces that make it look like the pieces are breathing… hearts beating.
This all started as an experiment with no intention of becoming a collection, but here we are. Based on the results of all that experimentation I have come up with a balance of ingredients that are gonna be at the heart of the art in this collection (no pun intended). The art is going to reflect it’s evolution from drawings, into generative art, into a human and A.I. collaboration. All the art is based on the original pieces generated from the hand drawn designs.
I’m putting things together to do a final run to create the collections 10,000 pieces.