A.I. Album Cover Art

I've had the pleasure of drawing the cover art and creating animations for the band Two Good Eyes. For the art for their latest album "My Favorite Trilogy" and their single "We're gonna make it", I had suggested using AI and testing...

RADIUS – Virtual World on Mona

Radius is a virtual event space designed for the Mona virtual world and avatar NFT market place. It features a live streaming video screen, hidden art gallery connected to their NFT marketplace listings for visitors to purchase with crypto, and a showcase...

Metaverse Avatar Sculpted in VR

Used AI to create inspiring concept art for this 3D avatar model sculpted and painted entirely in VR using ShapeLab and converted into a VRM file in Unity3D that's ready to be teleported into the metaverse. VRM is quickly becoming a standard...

Metaverse Portal Hub – VR / Unity3D

Created a portal hub for the meta-verse virtual world platform 'Mona'. The 3D models for this portal hub were sculpted entirely in VR before finalizing in Unity3D and minting as an NFT on Mona. Users on the Mona platform can gather with...

VR Gun Mechanics for Unity3D

Developed a virtual reality Gun Mechanics component for Unity3D that allows you to quickly add gun mechanics to a project. You can customize parameters to change how the gun "feels" and bullets shoot and interact so you can easily create different kinds...

HTML5 Javascript Library

PXL.EZ.JS is a light weight JavaScript library that simplifies adding common HTML5 features to any project. Developed with rich media advertising specs in mind, the file size is optimized and it's easily customizable for use on any rich media advertising platform.

Slick Codeless Animation Tool

TweenFX is an app that was developed to empower anyone to easily add slick coded animations to projects without needing to know how to code or animate at all. It's unique approach ensures consistent professional animations and streamlines repurposing them across campaign...


From UI and UX to a Dev Tool

I geeked out pondering the challenge of developing user interfaces (UI) for role playing games (RPG) on mobile devices. I mocked up possible solutions which inspired a dynamic approach to improve user experience (UX) and concluded with development of a tool to...

Garden of the Pixelated Heart

A whimsical heart centered collection manifested from over 100 variations of hand drawn elements, randomly organized through code to generate 10,000 unique psychedelic hearts of varying rarity. Inspired by the happenstance from which this art emerged, I evolved these experiments interweaving mathematical...

3D NFT Gallery

3D NFT Gallery

Setup my crpyto wallet with Oncyber.IO so that I could display the NFT's in my wallet in one of their 3D galleries. It's pretty simple stuff, but another small example of the so called "Metaverse" vision were you can bring content from...


Skymadhi is an abstract art collection born out of my jumping out of an airplane, the empowerment of overcoming fear, and the ensuing love affair with skydiving that inspired the drawings, haiku (A sort of unryhming Japanese poem), and experiments with A.I....