Skymadhi is an abstract art collection born out of my jumping out of an airplane, the empowerment of overcoming fear, and the ensuing love affair with skydiving that inspired the drawings, haiku (A sort of unryhming Japanese poem), and experiments with A.I. that ultimately gave life to this collection. With visions of robots, superheroes and villains, angels and demons, Zen and kung fu… I tweaked, drew, animated, and created sound effects for a select few of the over 300 pieces I generated. Curating it down to the 42 most compelling that evolved into this collection.

It all began one frustratingly boring pandemic day. I decided to break out of the depressing monotony and road trip to Utah, stopping to skydive in Las Vegas along the way. I was terrified! Had you asked me before that day I would have told you I simply didn’t have the courage to do it, but that day… was an anomaly. Within moments of jumping out of the airplane and on the other side of conquering all the fearful thoughts that came with it… was an intoxicating empowerment!
Before I even landed from my first tandem skydive, I was already pondering what it might take to learn to skydive on my own. My yearning to experience that freedom became greater than my fear and on the day of the video above, my 29th jump… I became a licensed skydiver.

Being an artist inspired by this love affair with the sky and skydiving’s positive effects on my mental well being, I drew a design as a sort of ritual in its honor.

At the time I had been tinkering with A.I. and experimented with processing my design through it along with a haiku (A sort of unrhymed Japanese poem) that I wrote about my love affair with skydiving, battling oneself, and overcoming fear.
Though abstract, its interpretation ignited my imagination with visions of robots, superheroes and villains, angels and demons, Zen and kung fu.
Over 300 iterations of refining experimentation later, some compelling images that complimented the emerging theme evolved.
A few pieces inspired me to produce unique glitchy melodic soundtracks complimenting the animations I generated for them.
Several pieces were just simply delicious eye candy as is.
Some pieces inspired me to further tweak and draw on them to manifest what I saw in their abstraction. Some came to life with some minor embellishments, while a few others conjured more involved otherworldly imaginings.

On my 42nd jump my parachute began spinning violently,prompting me to execute my emergency procedure to release my main parachute and deploy my reserve to save my ass. In an odd twist, the day before I won a prize in a contest with the number “42” that I selected because of my fondness for it’s meaning in Douglas Adams’ – “The Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy”. The day was 04/17/21… which added up… 4 + 17 + 21 = 42. This highly unlikely statistical anomaly is the reason there is 42 pieces in the collection.
These are mock ups, but I just received gallery-quality 2′ x 2′ giclée test prints on archival paper, printed with archival links.
Putting final touches on the collection and considering some ideas for a roadmap vs just releasing the collection.